【4K】楽天モバイルパークの最寄り駅、宮城野原駅。Miyaginohara, the nearest station from baseball park of Rakuten


日本語の宮城野原駅の説明はもう動画内に書いたから、ここに書かなく必要はないと思います。要するに東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルス本拠地スタジアムの 最寄り駅だから、仙石線の電車が出発する時は車掌が楽天イーグルスの応援歌が 流れるボタンを押すということです。また、東北楽天の本拠地の駅だから、 駅構内は楽天のマスコットであるクラッチとクラッチーナの看板だらけなのです。

In this movie, I show you how Miyaginohara Railway Station, which is the nearest station from baseball stadium of Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles is.

As you can hear, when train departs from this station, the conductor pushes the button to play cheering song of Tohoku Rakuten Eagles. As every train
Departs from this station, the cheering song of Rakuten Eagles is played.

And as you can see, all walls of this station are covered with signboards
Of Rakuten Eagles’s mascot characters Clutch(boy) and Clutchna (girl).
This is the home station of Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles, no wonder, all walls are covered with mascot and slogan like [Ganbare, Eagles!] (Go for it Eagles!)

And from 5:53 minutes you can see the slide show of Rakuten Eagles’s stadium. I went to about 10 times to watch the games of

