What MLB got RIGHT & WRONG in the last decade


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0:00 A true balance of good & bad
0:36 Extra Inning Courtesy Runners
2:50 National League Designated Hitters
4:40 Banning the Defensive Shift
6:25 Replay Challenge for Managers
8:06 A’s & Rays in MiLB stadiums
11:42 Great Uniform Fiasco of 2024
13:25 Pitch Timer
14:50 Breakup with ESPN Partnership
15:55 Introduction of ABS system
17:09 Sticking with WBC Tournament
18:35 Conclusions

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  1. Changing the DH rules have opened the door to East/West leagues when expansion happens.

    You left out the pick off and three batter rules, both of which have been great in my opinion

  2. Hate extra inning rule. Hate universal DH …but I could live with it. The reason I’m pissed at MLB and hope for their demise is for 1 reason and 1 reason only: allowing John Fisher to do what he did and is doing. Unforgivable.
    Curse MLB! Manfred sucks and I hate him. AND FJF forever and a day! Pox on his house

  3. Pitch clock I used to not like, but it was 100% correct to add it. What they got wrong and continue to do so is competitive balance You can’t have one team no matter who it is get everyone they want just because they have the most TV money and are in a huge TV market. It takes two teams to play. Until MLB changes their system they will continue to lose fans who lose interest because they know they have no chance, why invest the time and energy. MLB needs an NBA style system.

  4. San Jose State Mentioned!
    When you started the 49ers analogy, I was hoping that’s where you were taking it.
    And they did upgrade it, they made a nice area for the rich people and the clowns who run the school, nothing for the students who pay tuition, bleachers and VERY limited parking.

  5. Here is a Wrong that should have been mentioned: Putting a corporate sponsorship logo (FTX) on the umpire uniform, only for the company to be mired in scandal as essentially being a ponzi scheme. If you need to put sponsorship logos on team uniforms (which I’m sure most people don’t want) that’s one thing, but don’t take the people who are supposed to have the highest level of integrity and tie them into an “anything for money” look. Of course, since it seems sports will now take money from anywhere, maybe the umpires will soon be forced to wear patches promoting online betting sites.

  6. I was a purist, no DH, no replays etc, etc. I’m all for it now, replays, DH, ABS, runner on 2nd in extra inning, pitch clock. The difference is wild. I was at a game that had a lot of offense, because of the pitch clock it lasted 3 hrs and 5 mins. If it was standard the game would have been a 4+ hr game. I’m all for the changes. Baseball has been changing forever. Its still the same game at it was 100 yrs ago, pitch, hit, score runs, 3 strikes, 3 outs and 9 innings.

  7. Forgot about the giant banging trashcan in the room… yeah, MLB got that wrong.

  8. DH is good for all of baseball. Pitchers hitting 9 times out of 10 is an out. Why would anyone want that? I’m sorry but I dont see any benefits of it

  9. Wrong letting the athletics move from Oakland to Las Vegas because of a greedy corrupt scamming billionaire jerk get his way

  10. I havn’t seen any good under Manfred, but will go into this video open minded

  11. I really don’t like the ghost runner, but I understand the reason for it. Perhaps a better solution would be a compromise where the 10th inning (and maybe even the 11th) is played as a regular inning, but if it is still tied after that, then bring in the ghost runner.

  12. If The ghost Runner Scores in Extra Innings, it Don`t Go Against The Pitchers ERA. It is An Un Erned Run.

  13. I’m glad to see the Uniforms going back to the 2023 design. Unfortunately, the damage has been done for the Phillies. As part of the changes made last year, Nike did away with the beautiful chain-stitched crest that had been a part of the Phillies’ jersey for 31 years. Right now, it doesn’t look like that will be coming back with the ’23-style reversion, which is a terrible shame. Personally, I would like to go back a few years to when there were still sleeve numbers and the chain-stitched crest.

  14. Being a baseball traditionalist, I have never liked the DH, astroturf, and indoor baseball. Now we have ghost runners, computers calling balls and strikes, video replay, challenges, and time clocks. Baseball the game is a chess match, managed strategically and played fundamentally. Unfortunately, corporate America has taken over the game and the focus is not about playing to win, it’s about playing to make money by both the owners and the players.

    After attending my first Tiger game in 1962 (Tigers 5 Senators 3 Bunning WP) and growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, I consumed professional baseball statistics and general knowledge on almost a daily basis. I accepted the earlier changes (i.e., DH) that flowed down into the sandlot level and continued to watch professional baseball. But with these latest changes having eliminated the human error aspect of the game, I no longer follow professional baseball. I do however watch for local HS or sandlot games to visit.

    IMHO, baseball the business has destroyed baseball the game.

    • You are also a baby boomer. You guys hate change and don’t understand when change happens.
